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Photo of Daniel Claver Herrera Spain

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Daniel Claver Herrera

Valencian artist who was born on November 20, 1958. He studied drawing and sculpture, in 1973 the school of arts and crafts of his Swedish hometown Valencia Spain.


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Daniel Claver Herrera

Valencian artist who was born on November 20, 1958. He studied drawing and sculpture, in 1973 the school of arts and crafts of his Swedish hometown Valencia Spain.

In 1985 he began to develop his vocation for painting, painting pictures of large format. Where to develop their creativity and splash the canvas of feelings.

At the same time, due to its large dynamic sculpture develops their knowledge acquired during their years in school he started to make large sculptures for organizations, groups and councils.

Numerous exhibitions and publications both collective and individual support his artistic work being recognized by art critics worldwide.

His exhibitions and major publications so far:

1990 Exhibition Art-Kirio Damascus (Syria)

Art Exhibition 1991 International Trade Fair München. (Germany)

Graph Expo 1992 in fka Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Madrid. (Spain)

1992 Exhibition Arteba f.k.a Barcelona. (Spain)

1992 Exhibition in Valencia Perelló Municipal Units. (Spain)

1993 Exhibition at the Swedish Porxets Els Valencia room. (Spain)

1994 Exhibition in the former Church of Perelló Valencia. (Spain)

1995 Exhibition in the former Church of Perelló Valencia. (Spain)

1996 Joint Manolo Dasi, in the former Church of Perelló Valencia. (Spain)

1997 Joint Manolo Dasi, in the former Church of Perelló Valencia. (Spain)

1998 Joint Manolo Dasi, in the former Church of Perelló Valencia. (Spain)

1998 Exhibition - Fair of Valencia f.k.a Dipa. (Spain)

1999 Exhibition - Fair of Valencia f.k.a Dipa. (Spain)

City Awards 1999 Exhibition Pego Alicante. (Spain)

2000 Finalist awards Pego Alicante City. (Spain)

2000 Donation of the sculptures on Drugs and Birth metallic, the City of Sweden. Valencia. (Spain)

2001 Finalist awards Pego Alicante City. (Spain)

Matisse Exhibition 2002 Alcoy Alicante. (Spain)

Donation 2003 play \\\"The Music\\\" at the Museum, Musical Union José Serrano of Sweden. Valencia. (Spain)

2003 Exhibition Matisse Alcoy Alicante. (Spain)

2003 Making urban sculptures by Joan Fuster Round Veles e Vents Swedish Valencia. (Spain)

2003 model urban sculpture Director for the City of Valencia Corbera. (Spain)

2004 Matisse exhibition in Fim, Valencia Furniture Fair. (Spain)

2005 Artist resident in Pilotmotiv Aggueli Galerie - France.

Natura 2005 Exhibition Contemporary Fim, Valencia Furniture Fair.

2006 Exhibition Antonio Segovia Lobillo Foundation Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

2006 Virtual Exhibition arte10.com

2006 Virtual Exhibition artelista.com

2006 Virtual Exhibition oletuarte.com

2006 Exhibition yolino.com contemporary art virtual gallery

2006 Virtual Exhibition arteydecoracion.net

Virtual Art Exhibition 2006 hieloazul.com

2006 Exhibition virtual digitalconsciousness.com

2006 Art Gallery Exhibition Dion virtual.

2006 Exhibition 2005 Latin artexpresion.com

2006 Exhibition ArtsCad - artscad.com

2006 Exhibition Artareas - artareas.com

2006 Exhibition Artmajeur Spain-artmajeur.com

2006 Works on display Todocoleccion.net / Art

2006 Free Art Galleries - all art on line.com

2006 Virtual Exhibition artistasdelatierra.com

2006 Contemporary Art Exhibition cambioclimartico youth hostel in Cordoba. (Spain)

2006 Exhibition Herrera.com Cruz virtual museum

2006 Spanish Artist Teacher Network - Hilda De Lourdes Flandez. Chile

2007 Exhibition Miami Art ART 2007 Zagra-Miami Florida. The United States.

2007 Participation as an author in the book \\\"The Art and the Word\\\" Artelibro.

2007 Exhibition Gallery of Málaga Pablo Ruiz Art Fair in The Hague Holland Art Fair. (Holland)

2007 1st. Prize Competition III Sainets Redacció of Swedish Local Board Fallera, Valencia.

2007 Artist in the International Dictionary of Art and Literature.

2007 Exhibition Artnowonline.com Miami. The United States.

Artefaim-8 2007 Exhibition House in Madrid. (Spain)

2008 Artist in the Encyclopedic Dizionario Internazionale d\\\'arte Moderna e Contemporanea Casa Editrice Alba - Ferrara (Italy)

2008 Exhibition in Llei d\\\'Art Palau de Vidre the fairground from the Champs Elysees Lleida. (Spain)

2008 Award distinction to non-figurative work in the International Art Competition Independent Llei d\\\'Art de Catalunya.

2008 Work published in the book American Art Euro III

2008 Artist in the Book of Poets, Aires de Cordoba.

Exhibition at FAIM 2008 Conference and Exhibition Palace of Madrid (Spain)

2008 Exhibition in Meseon enjoy the art.

2009 1st. J. satirical poetry prize Bernat i Baldoví Swedish Valencia.

2009 Artist in contemporary book artists TRENDS (London)

2009 Work published on the cover of the Minotaur-JOURNAL No. 6 2nd Stage.

IMPRESSIONS OF PAINTER 2009 Exhibition Sucro Swedish Falla Valencia.

Exhibition at FAIM 2009 Conference and Exhibition Palace of Madrid (Spain)

2010 Making abstract mural collage 390x240 textures and facility in composition powder 1 / 104 gift boxes 30x30 falla Falla honor of Swedish Sucro Valencia.

2010 on the present site of the Swedish Tennis Club Tennis Club Llafranc-Palafrugell.

2010 Artist in the Catalog of Quotes EDITRICE ALBA-Ferrara (Italy)

2010 Making urban sculpture, Monument to the Paella, for the commemoration of the 50th International Competition of Paella Valenciana Swedish Swedish site Sequial Rotonda Valencia (Spain)

2010 Exhibition The Llacer, ENGLISH COURT exposing the model of urban sculpture, Monument to the Paella, Valencia (Spain)

2011 Group exhibition in the collection of Antonio Segovia Lobillo legacy. Velez-Malaga. (Spain)

2011 international art exhibition AEDAL, Entrepreneurs Association of Arts and Letters in the Jardin del Turia, Valencia. (Spain)

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